Experiences in Geography should promote in pupils an appreciation of their geographical
location and their social communities in the context of the wider world and how these have
changed and developed in the course of time. These experiences should enhance children’s
potential to become effective, caring participants in their local community and wider society
and promote continuing study and interests for life.
Geography is taught in half termly blocks in most classes. In Upper KS2 they are taught
each half term in a week long block. This is so we can fully concentrate on the build up and
progression of skills, knowledge and content while not being distracted by the demands of
other subjects in Years 5 &6. This has been trialled successfully and is now adopted.
Good geography teaching aims to:
• Inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain
with them for the rest of their lives;
• Equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and
human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and
human processes;
• Develop a growing knowledge about the world to deepen their understanding of the
interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of
landscapes and environments;
• Acquire Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills;
• Enable children to learn and explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are
shaped, interconnected and change over time.
(Taken from the New Primary Geography Curriculum -Reference: DFE-00186-2013)
The National Curriculum for Geography
Topaz children have the opportunity to develop their Geographical skills through child
initiated activities and focus activities. The focus activities vary between ‘in the moment’
activities led by an adult or planned activities depending on the children’s interests or class
theme at the time. In addition a variety of materials , media and tools are available on a daily
basis for exploring and experimenting to develop creative ideas and skills.
Key Stage 1
Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality.
They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical
geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance
their locational awareness.
Location knowledge
name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans;
name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the
United Kingdom and its surrounding seas.
Place knowledge
• understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and
physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a
contrasting non-European country.
Human and physical geography
• identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot
and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles;
• use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to:
• key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river,
soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather;
• key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour
and shop.
Geographical skills and fieldwork
• use simple compass directions and locational and directional language to describe the
location of features and routes on a map;
• use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human
and physical features, devise a simple map and use and construct basic symbols in a key;
• use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its
grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
• use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as
well as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this key stage;
Key Stage 2
Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include
the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and
characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They
should develop their use of geographical tools and skills to enhance their locational and
place knowledge.
Location knowledge
• locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of
Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key
physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities;
• name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their
identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills,
mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns, and understand how some of these
aspects have changed over time;
• identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere,
Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the
Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night).
Place knowledge
• understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and
physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country and a
region within North or South America.
Human and physical geography
• describe and understand key aspects of:
• physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle;
• human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including
trade links and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and
Geographical skills and fieldwork
• use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe
features studied;
• use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key
(including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom
and the wider world;
• use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local
area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital
Humanities curriculum planning (Using Rising Stars Voyager scheme)
Due to having mixed aged classes, planning is carried out on a two year cycle to ensure
continuity and progression so that children are challenged as they move up through the
school. Differentiation is used to ensure all children are able to achieve yet still being given
the opportunity to be challenged. We acknowledge that pupils’ achievement is enhanced
through lessons that are active, inspiring and that have plenty of opportunity for children to
challenge and lead their own learning. To this end we provide pupils with a range of sources
of information to find out about the topics being taught.
Our teaching of Geography forms part of the school ethos to provide a broad and balanced
education to all children. To achieve this we provide learning opportunities that match the
needs of all children and we take into account the targets set for individual children in their
SEN Support Plans (IEPs).
Planning, teaching and learning in Geography, sets high expectations for all children. Work is
differentiated through content and by outcome to suit individual needs. It provides
opportunities for all children to achieve including: boys and girls, children with SEN, children
with disabilities, more able children, and children from all social and cultural backgrounds.
Teachers are aware that children bring to school different experiences, interests and
strengths that will influence the way in which they learn. We recognise the fact that in all
classes there are children of a variety of abilities and we seek to provide suitable learning
opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child.
Resources available include: reference books, textbooks, DVDs, teacher prepared materials,
pictures, photographs, artefacts, maps and atlases, globes and digital maps. Resources are
kept mainly in classes.
The local area, including the village, as well as off-site resources such as the local
streams/canals and surrounding fields, are also utilised.
One of the important aspects of assessment is that it supports future planning and teaching
of Geography. At St Bernadette’s assessment for learning (AFL) is integrated in all parts of
the teaching and learning process.
The assessment of Geography is undertaken continuously by class teachers and other
teaching staff whilst pupils are engaged in tasks.
Children’s work also provides evidence of learning and skills acquired. The cross-curricular
nature of Geography means that children are able to explore themes, ask questions and
problem solve through Drama, Art, DT, ICT, PSHE, RE
Valuing children’s work is vital to their continued motivation, enjoyment and the
empowerment of their learning and evidence of skills and understanding can therefore be
sourced from a wide range of work – photographs, books, models, writing, art and videos of
children’s work are displayed around school, on the website and stored on the server
- Emerald Geography Vocabulary.pdf pdf276.3 KbNov 25th, 2022
- Geography policy 22.pdf pdf93.7 KbJul 6th, 2023
- Geography Progression Framework.pdf pdf161.4 KbJul 6th, 2023
- Humanities Overview.pdf pdf122.6 KbFeb 12th, 2025
- National Curriculum Geography.pdf pdf123.6 KbJul 7th, 2023
- Ruby Geography Vocabulary.pdf pdf264.6 KbNov 25th, 2022
- Sapphire Geography Vocabulary.pdf pdf136.0 KbNov 25th, 2022