Our Governors:
Name | Category | Responsibilities/Committees | Link | End of term of office | Attendance 2024/25 | Business/Pecuniary Interests |
Mrs J Keegan-Hobbs | Headteacher | Strategic, Staffing, Admissions, Building & Health & Safety, Finance, Curriculum | N/A | 2/2 | None | |
Mr D O'Dell | Chair: Foundation Governor | Strategic, Admissions, Building & Health & Safety, Finance, Curriculum | 12.02.26 | 2/2 | None | |
Mrs M O'Dwyer | Vice Chair: Foundation Governor | Strategic, Staffing | Staff Wellbeing, Reading | 31.08.26 | 2/2 | None |
Miss C Parker | Staff Governor | Strategic, Curriculum | Sports Premium | 08.09.27 | 2/2 | None |
Mr R Rockley | Parent Governor | TBC | TBC | 21.10.28 | 1/1 | None |
Mr D Kinsey | LA Governor | Staffing, Curriculum | 08.10.25 | 0/2 | None | |
Miss L Banyard | Foundation Governor | Curriculum | SEND | 12.10.26 | 2/2 | None |
Mrs J Willetts | Foundation Governor | Staffing | RE | 26.03.27 | 2/2 | None |
Mrs V Milton | Foundation Governor | Strategic, Admissions | Safeguarding | 26.03.27 | 1/2 | None |
Mr M Reay | Foundation Governor | Sports Premium | 06.07.27 | 2/2 | None | |
Mr I Shorthouse | Foundation Governor | Finance, Attendance | 22.02.28 | 2/2 | None | |
Mrs C Eliason | Foundation Governor | 11.04.28 | 0/2 | None | ||
Mr S Cresswell | Co-opted Governor | Health & Safety, Nursery Link Governor | Nursery | 18.05.27 | 2/2 | None |
More information about our governors here
What are school governors?
School governors are a group of volunteers who come together as a group called the School Governing Body or Board.
What do school governors do?
They are school leaders. They support and challenge the headteacher to get the very best in education for the children and families in their school community.
- A governing board has a strong focus on three key issues:
- Making sure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
- Determining how the school’s budget is spent
- The appointing and dismissing of staff
- Hearing appeals and grievances
- Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
- Setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline
- Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
- Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies
How can I become a school governor?
School governing boards are made up of a number of governors with different skills drawn from a number of different groups:
- School staff
- The local authority (Staffordshire County Council in Staffordshire)
- Parents
- Members of the community
- The school foundation/trust (in some schools)
Governors are recruited to make a board with a good balance of skills to ensure they can meet their responsibilities. Every member of the school governing board has the same responsibilities and there is free training available to support new and existing governors in their important roles.
- Code of Conduct for Governors 2022.pdf pdf181.7 KbSep 12th, 2022
- Governors spreadsheet1.0 KbMar 18th, 2025
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 08.07.24.pdf pdf285.8 KbMar 14th, 2025
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 10.07.23.pdf pdf335.8 KbJul 10th, 2024
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 11.03.24.pdf pdf251.4 KbMar 14th, 2025
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 16.10.23.pdf pdf262.4 KbMar 14th, 2025
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 17.10.22.pdf pdf207.6 KbJul 10th, 2024
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 21.11.24.pdf pdf227.2 KbMar 14th, 2025
- Minutes for FGB Meeting 27.03.23.pdf pdf211.0 KbJul 10th, 2024
Archived Governors